
Following House & Senate Votes, 联邦预算包括近1100万美元用于土地保护,200万美元用于公众准入


Annapolis, MD – Today, 十大赌博正规老平台协会赞扬国会在2016年综合拨款法案中包括近1100万美元用于切萨皮克地区的土地保护,200万美元用于通过国家公园管理局的切萨皮克湾门户和小径计划,支持约翰·史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史小径沿线的一系列公共通道和保护工作.

大部分资金支持的项目是通过 Rivers of the Chesapeake 土地及水资源保育基金(LWCF)合作景观建议, 十大赌博正规老平台协会是主要的非营利性合作伙伴. The proposal had the bipartisan support of 5 governors, 9 US Senators, 17 Members of the US House of Representatives, 4 American Indian tribes, 34 nonprofits and numerous local elected officials.

The collaborative is focused on protecting the great rivers of the Chesapeake Bay; the Potomac, Rappahannock, James, York, Nanticoke, and Susquehanna Rivers and their watersheds. 通过利用切萨皮克现有的努力和伙伴关系 Rivers of the Chesapeake 该公司正在努力实现约翰·史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道和整个流域的保护和公众访问目标. 这一直是十大赌博正规老平台伙伴关系的优先事项, 整个地区的土地保护组织联盟.

作为综合法案的一部分,国会提供了10美元.7 million to the National Park Service, U.S. 鱼类和野生动物管理局,土地管理局和美国农业部.S. 林业局保护重要的土地来庆祝我们地区的历史, provide recreational opportunities, create connected corridors, 保护切萨皮克湾标志性物种的野生动物栖息地, 保护风景景观,保护不可替代的景观.

“These are the places we love. The places we boat, hunt, fish, and hike, 我们带孩子去户外探险的地方, and the places people come to visit,” President & CEO Joel Dunn, Chesapeake Conservancy, said. “Protecting these places supports our communities, 文化和经济,对维持切萨皮克湾及其流域的生态健康也很重要.”

Projects included in the funding bill and the Rivers of the Chesapeake proposal for conservation in the Chesapeake include: 42 acres at the Nanjemoy Natural Resource Management Area (MD); 407 acres at the Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area (VA); 392 acres at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (MD); 160 acres at Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge (VA); 958 acres at George Washington-Jefferson National Forest (VA/WV); 174 acres for trailheads along the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail (DC/DE/MD/PA/VA); 1 acre at Piscataway Park (MD); and 18 acres at Gettysburg National Military Park (PA). 项目是与各州和地方伙伴合作确定的.

“我们非常感谢奥巴马总统和国会认识到现在是时候为切萨皮克湾流域采取行动了.  我们特别要感谢参议员芭芭拉·A. Mikulski, 在切萨皮克号即将退休之际,是她不懈的努力为她创造了这一永恒的遗产,” Dunn said. “这是十大赌博正规老平台协会和我们众多合作伙伴多年努力的结果, especially the National Park Service, U.S. 鱼类和野生动物管理局,土地管理局和美国农业部.S. Forest Service.”

土地保育和公众通道是海湾修复和保护策略的重要组成部分.  In 2009, 奥巴马总统在签署13508号行政命令时承诺保护切萨皮克湾.  为实现该命令的目标而设计的实施战略包括额外保护200万英亩土地和新建300个公共通道. 这些目标被纳入新的切萨皮克湾流域协议, signed in 2014 by the Governors of six states, Washington DC Mayor, Chesapeake Bay Commission and the Federal Government.

综合支出法案通过土地和水资源保护基金分配这笔资金, 作为拨款方案的一部分,哪些项目被重新授权至2018年. Created by Congress in 1965, 土地和水资源保护基金(LWCF)向联邦政府提供资金, state, and local governments to purchase land, water, and wetlands for the benefit of all Americans.

综合支出法案还为国家公园管理局的切萨皮克湾门户和小径项目拨款200万美元, authorized in 1998, which supports collaboration with federal, 州和地方机构和组织提供更好的进入切萨皮克和河流的通道, to conserve important landscapes and resources, 让青年从事有意义的工作和实习教育, to improve recreational opportunities, 并解释切萨皮克地区的自然和文化资源.